Attention: Copywriters Looking For A “Secret Weapon” To Land Their Next Client ASAP:

Copy-And-Paste My Client Magnet Email To Get Hired FAST, Fill Your Client Pipeline, And Explode Your Freelance Copywriting Business In Just 10 Minutes A Day

Follow my simple 3-step formula, and you'll out-position the rest of the crowded copywriting market, close clients reliably and consistently, and hit record months working fewer hours

… even if you're a total beginner with ZERO experience.

What Is Copywriting Clients on Demand

Have you ever wanted a magic button you can press to land your next copywriting client whenever you wanted?

Well, Copywriting Clients On Demand is as close as it gets. You follow 3 simple steps (and use the copy-and-paste email template I give you) and you land copy clients fast. 

Once you fill out the template, the system takes just 10 minutes a day to run on autopilot. 

You can use it over and over again. 

Once you do, your client acquisition will be taken care of (like you see below). 

"I've been working with the biggest names in the industry... I'm getting clients all over the place" - Joshua Copeland, California

That means: no more worrying about how you’re gonna pay next month’s bills. No more getting your email outreach ignored by business owners. No more riding the feast-or-famine "freelance rollercoaster." Just consistent, reliable clients month after month. 

I've taught this system to my private 1-on-1 copywriting students for 4 years now, and they've used it to out-position other copywriters… stand out to business owners… and get hired even when there’s 20 other copywriters applying for a job. 

Yet today, for the first time ever, I'm revealing it to a limited number of freelance copywriters who want to fill their client pipelines for next month - after which I'm taking it OFF the market before everyone steals it, copies it, and it saturates the market. 
(Save $27.00 today) Download The video training For $37 Just $10! Delivered instantly. Start watching in the next 2 minutes.

As Seen On

From The Desk Of: Ning Li
About: Your Copywriting Business
Re: Your Client Pipeline

Dear Freelance Copywriter,

Today, I want to hand you an email template that changes your freelance copywriting career forever.

I know it sounds crazy. 

But after coaching more than 500 copywriters over the last 4 years, I can almost guarantee that when you email potential clients, you’re doing it wrong. 

I know this because I've tried hiring copywriters for 2 separate businesses and have seen dozens of applications.

Nearly every copywriter gives off "please hire me" vibes in their emails that RUIN their chances at getting hired. 

It’s all about positioning. 

And today, I want to give you an email that positions YOU as the clear no-brainer to hire… even if you’re NOT the best copywriter. 

Once you have this email, you can copy-and-paste it, blast it out, and land twice as many clients in half the time. 

This system is easy to use - even if you're a total beginner with ZERO experience. It takes just 10 minutes a day to execute. Yet it’s so powerful, I’ve used it to make nearly half a million dollars in my copywriting business in 2022. 

Don't believe me? Here’s a snapshot from my tax documents from January to October:
It's not just me, either. 

I've taught this to a close-knit group of copywriters who've been quietly using my "Copywriting Clients On Demand" system to out-position the rest of today’s very competitive market…

And scoop up client after client while other copywriters struggle. 

These clients pay them $2,000… $5,000… even $15,000 or more on a single project…

And these copywriters have even used this system to negotiate FAT, royalty-paying retainers so they DON’T have to keep prospecting for new clients. 

You can see some of their stories below:
Tom Clayson - "Within 30 days of the program ending, I had 2 big retainer clients paying me $1,000 a month and $5,000 a month, respectively. It’s only gotten better since."
Tiana Asperjan - "My income has shot up over $10k a month as a freelance copywriter. Ning has truly been with me every step of the way, I cannot recommend him and his coaching program any more highly."
Jon Fisher - "Very quickly, I was making massive gains to my skill set. It was incredible. In a period of 9 days, I got a bunch of clients. This is the thing that makes this program, in my opinion, the best I’ve ever seen."
John Sawicki - "After about 2 weeks of working with Ning I felt about an 80% reduction in the mental stuff that's been holding me back and weighing me down for decades. It feels like I crammed a very intense therapeutic process into a very short amount of time."
Lana Sova - "On the first call he made one teeny tiny tweak that changed my copy forever."
Luke Sipka - "By the third week, I was a totally different writer.  It was worth every penny. I probably could've paid more."
Andy Mukolo - "Ning's coaching has been amazing and what I paid is nothing compared to the HUGE progress I made."
(These are testimonials that copywriters have sent me after they’ve landed HOTLY contested job gigs with 10-20 other applications - the Copywriting Clients On Demand system gives them an unfair advantage)

This system is so effective, earlier this year I said NO to a $15K / month retainer from a top-tier client other copywriters DREAM of working for…

And I recently turned down a client who was begging to pay me $30K + royalties to write one sales letter for them…

Simply because I had better opportunities. 

I’m not saying that to brag, either…

I’m saying that because if you’re a freelance copywriter, that’s what the Copywriting Clients On Demand system can do for you. 

And today, I want to show you exactly how it works…

I want to GIVE you the copy-and-paste templates I myself use…

All for just $10. 

Copywriting Clients On Demand Is The Smart Copywriter's "Cheat Code" To Easier, More Consistent Freelancing Income (And It Works!)

For the longest time, I greedily kept my Copywriting Clients On Demand system to myself. 

Why would I share it?

I was using it to climb to the top of the copywriting world myself…

Until I was only working with the highest-paying clients like PaleoHacks, Organifi, Agora, and more. 

As soon as I started coaching copywriters, I realized most of their freelance careers were a mess!

Most copywriters have no clue where their next client is coming from… or how they're going to pay the bills next month. 

They're overworked… underpaid… and trapped in this "feast-or-famine" freelance cycle of doom. 

One month they may be making bank…

The next month they barely make ANY income.

As a result, they’re constantly searching for new jobs just to find a new copywriting gig. 

It’s even worse in 2024 because the copywriting market has gotten insanely saturated and competitive. 

As soon as a copywriting job gets posted… 

It gets swarmed by 20… 30… even 40 other copywriters all scrambling to apply for the same gig!

Since 2018, I’ve taught my system to a close-knit group of copywriters who’ve quietly taken over the market. 

You may know…
As I said…

My name is Ning Li.

I’ve been called an A-list copywriter by some of the industry’s leading direct response marketers.

For example:
In addition to being a professional copywriter, I’ve run my own copy coaching program for 5+ years now. 

This program was so successful at turning struggling freelancers into highly paid copywriters…

Word throughout the copywriting community spread like wildfire. 

 My copywriting students went on to dominate Justin Goff and Stefan Georgi’s Copy Accelerator freelance market.

In a Contest Where 40+ Copywriters Competed, 
6 Out of the Top 8 Winners Were My Students 

It got so ridiculous that they actually hired me to be Copy Accelerator's first 1-on-1 copywriting coach. To this day, many of the top copywriters on the market were trained by me. 

And many of them wouldn’t be there without this client strategy I’ve taught them. 

Today, you have the opportunity to duplicate the entire system for your own freelance copywriting business by watching a $10 video training called Copywriting Clients On Demand. 

Here's how it works:

The Old Way

The New Way

Here's the bottom line…

If you want to have the life of freedom most copywriters dream about, you need to have a fast, reliable system to get hired by quality clients for valuable, high leverage copywriting projects. 

That's what Copywriting Clients On Demand does for you. 

Once you set it up inside your freelance business, you can use it over and over again to fill your client pipeline in about 10 minutes a day. 

You can get started today RISK-FREE by clicking the button on this page. 


Here's A Sneak Peek Of What's Inside 
The Copywriting Clients On Demand System

  • My copy-and-paste email template for landing new clients - Hundreds of my past students have used this "client magnet" email to out-compete other copywriters in the market and land hotly contested gigs. Now, it’s YOURS… use it as many times as you want. the benefit of your products
  • ​My "checkpoint system" for getting your foot in the door if you're a total beginner with ZERO experience - Never had a client before? No problem! You can still make $40 / hr writing email copy for your very first gig, and quickly raise your prices to $80 or $100 per email in just a couple weeks.
  • Watch over my shoulder as I edit 3 copywriter’s client emails to maximize their chances at getting hired - I show exactly what they did right, what they did wrong, and how I would write the emails
  • ​How to turn your client acquisition into a “magic button” you press for clients so you’re spending just 10 minutes a day on it - yet your client pipeline gets filled up FAST and you start hitting record income numbers, month after month 
  • The #1 client-acquisition mistake copywriters make and how to fix it - I’ve seen copywriters with 5+ years of experience make this HUGE mistake. As a result, they struggle to get clients, even if they have a strong resume. I can guarantee with about 95% certainty you are making this mistake right NOW… and it’s killing your chances with new potential clients. 
  • An email-by-email breakdown of how I negotiated a $30K sales letter with a client - I’ll give you a peek inside my personal inbox and explain the psychology behind how I talk to a client inside each email so you can use the same strategy to increase your fees on your next copywriting project 
  • ​How to message clients so you look more confident and capable than all the other applicants - most copywriters get this horribly wrong. Get it right, and your closing rate TRIPLES, minimum. The key: stop being a “job beggar” and start being a “problem solver.” Even better? Be a “time offloader.” 
  • Prasant, a copywriting student of mine, landed his biggest client yet - we go through his email chain and I show exactly how he did it. I go through the mindset, the psychology, and the strategy we use so you can do the same.

You’ll Also Get These Extra Bonus Trainings:

Bonus #1: Bulletproof Mindset
How To Overcome The Mental Blocks
Most Copywriters Struggle With
($47 Value - Yours FREE!)

Most copywriters I coach are plagued by mental blocks that STOP them from actually taking action and applying to copy jobs even when they know they should. These blocks include imposter syndrome… anxiety… fear of failure… low self-worth… and more. 

“I’m not ready yet.”
“What if I get rejected?”
“Why would they pick me when I have zero experience and there’s so many better candidates?”
“I’m terrified I’ll fail and disappoint the client.”
“20 people already applied - I might as well give up and not try.”

Sound familiar? I've seen these mental blocks in so many copywriters… but I have a simple solution. Inside this bonus ebook, I show you how to reprogram your mental blocks with a simple 15 minute visualization so they simply… disappear. 

It’s called The Bulletproof Mindset and it's made specifically for copywriters who KNOW that their mindset is a problem that holds them back from taking action and achieving the success they want. 

If you order Copywriting Clients on Demand today, this ebook is FREE with your purchase. 


Bonus #2: High Income Copy Templates
How To Write Million Dollar Sales 
Pages, Emails, And Ads On Easy Mode
($97 Value - Yours FREE!)

Do you struggle with writer's block? Or are you terrified that you'll hand in copy to your client… and it bombs? Your monthly copywriting income is a direct reflection of your skill level. Which is why I wanted to include this bonus. 

It's called High Income Copy Templates and if you’re not confident in your copywriting skill, this ebook helps you get good FAST. 

This bonus teaches you the fundamentals of how to write high-converting copy, with templates, formulas, and swipes that make it so easy, a high-schooler can learn it. (I’ve actually helped several highschoolers land copywriting jobs that pay them $5K+ a month)

The High Income Copy Templates ebook breaks down the language of copy into easy-to-understand “copy ingredients.” Once you understand what the ingredients are, you’ll understand how to use them in your own copy… and voila! 

In just a few days, you’ll rocket past 80% of other copywriters in terms of skill. As a result, you’ll have leverage to charge your clients more. 

It’s FREE with your order of Copywriting Clients On Demand today. 

Bonus #3: 7X Copy Clients
 7 MORE Proven Strategies From High Level Copywriters To Land Clients Whenever You Want
($47 Value - Yours FREE!)

I want to make absolutely sure that you’ll be able to land clients whenever you want. Which is why I’m including 7 more strategies from 7 high-level copywriters for leap-frogging your way to the top of the market.

In this video training, you’ll hear from several top-level copywriters I personally trained. 

Some of them are making $8K a month. Some of them are making $10K a month. Some are making $20K a month. 

You’ll hear from each how they got there and how each of them landed their very first copy client. 

The cool thing is… each story is different. 

Oh! And the whole video is filmed at a private mansion on the island of Mykonos, Greece where we were all on a “copywriting vacation” where we drank Greek wine, wrote copy, and partied at night. 

Talk about PROOF that the strategies work!


Bonus #4: Scale Your Copywriting Income
Hit Personal Records In Your Copywriting Business Month After Month - Without Working More Hours
($97 Value - Yours FREE!)

Most copywriters believe that to make more dough, they need to work more hours. 


Your income doesn't depend on how much you do…

It depends on WHAT you do - and how high-leverage your actions are. 

By focusing on more valuable copywriting projects, you make MORE while working LESS.

Which is exactly what I’m doing to show you how to do in this bonus video training. 

It's called Scale Your Copywriting Income, and it’s a video training where I show you how to boost your monthly numbers no matter where you’re at as a copywriter. 

Are you a beginner making $2K / month? You’ll learn the path to $5K / month. 

Are you an intermediate stuck at $8K / month? Focus on THIS to get to $15K / month. 

Have no clue how to bust through the $20K ceiling without spending your whole day working? No problem - I'll show you how. 

You'll get this training for FREE when you order Copywriting Clients On Demand today. 

You're Covered By My INSANE 100X Money Back Guarantee

Go through Copywriting Clients On Demand and your 4 FREE bonuses over the next 30 days and if you don’t think it's worth at least 100X what you paid… I'll refund your entire $10 investment. 

I only put out products I believe will truly help copywriters progress their careers - and that’s why my reputation in the copywriting world is top notch. I intend to keep it that way. 

So if you're not thrilled with your order, you pay nothing. Which means your $10 investment is completely risk free. All you need to do is click the button below, enter your billing details, and get started today to see twice the results in half the time. 

Here's What You Need To Do Now 
To Land More Copywriting Clients ASAP


I believe I've coached more copywriters 1-on-1 than anyone else on the planet. 

This is what I do for a living… and if you’re struggling in your freelance career right now, I get it. 

It's confusing. Competitive. Sometimes, it can feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at a wall and nothing's sticking. 

Let me remove all the confusion for you and make freelance copywriting simple… consistent… and predictable. 

That's what my Copywriting Clients On Demand system does for you. 

It removes all the cobwebs so writing copy and getting clients is fast… easy… and stress-free - so you can get back to living a life of freedom of working when you want, where you want, with who you want. 

Isn't that why we all got into copywriting in the first place?

Copywriting Clients On Demand is a system you can use to land copywriting clients consistently, month after month, in just 10 minutes a day. 

I'll show you how to message clients. 

I'll hand you an email template that’s proven to work. 

You can copy-and-paste it, fill in your details that are specific to you, and send it out to clients as many times as you want. 

Do that, and your client pipeline fills up. 

It's that simple. 

Sound too good to be true?

It's not - check out the testimonials on this page and you'll see: this is real and yes, it works. Every testimonial you see comes from real copywriters with real results. 

On top of all of that, you're covered by our 30 day money back guarantee. If what I show you doesn’t work… I’ll pay you back every single penny. 

This Offer Will Not Last Forever And 
If You're Interested, You Have To Act NOW

I have no clue how much longer I'll be able to keep the price at just $10. 

With rising ad costs and more competition in the "guru" world, it won't be long before I have to increase the price to $97… $147… or even $197 like everyone's been telling me. 

So if you're on this page…

It means the $10 offer is still available. 

So if you're interested, I definitely recommend grabbing this offer now, before the price goes up. 

I mean… it's a no-brainer, right?

If you even land just 1 client (which is MORE than doable, even if you have no experience), you’ll get 4X your money back at least.

If it's a semi reasonable client, you’ll instantly 10X your investment. 

Keep using what you learn for a year, and you could very easily get an INSANE 1000X return on your investment. 

So don't delay - click the button below, fill in your details, and click the submit button now. 

Why Is Copywriting Clients On Demand So Cheap?

If this is the first thing you buy from me, I want you to be absolutely blown away by the quality and the result you get. 

That’s because (I’m 100% transparent on this) I’m going to be upselling you into copy coaching programs that get you to $10K / month, $20K / month, and beyond. 

I want a rich, abundant lifestyle for you…

And I want nothing more for you to hit your copywriting goals and be ECSTATIC about it. 

Copywriting has transformed my life…

And it’s my passion and mission to spread this gift with you and the rest of the world. 

That's the truth. 

Now, It's YOUR Turn To Enjoy A Freelance Copywriting Career 
Filled With FREEDOM Instead of Fear, Anxiety, And Pain

You've got a choice. 

Do you want to keep struggling with your client acquisition…

Skip around a bunch of shiny objects without getting anywhere…

And keep trying things that just don’t work…

Or do you want to finally break through and make some dough?

Copywriting Clients On Demand lets you put your freelance copywriting career on autopilot so you can fill your client pipeline in just 10 minutes a day. 

In my opinion…

This is a no-brainer for you. 

It's just $10 - and you’re literally getting $1480 worth of value, minimum. 

It’s an insane 40X return on your investment, and it will keep paying you for the rest of your life as you continue to use the client acquisition strategy, over and over again. 

You can see from all the testimonials - it works. 

On top of all of that, you’re covered by a money back guarantee. 

So at the very worst - you’ll learn some incredibly valuable stuff, and then get your money back. 

Like I said - if you’re a freelance copywriter, this is a no-brainer. 

You have my personal guarantee - you’ll be glad you invested in yourself and put your trust in me. 

So go ahead, click the button, and get started today. 

To your wealth, abundance, and peace, 

Ning Li
Your Copy Coach
P.S. When you grab Copywriting Clients On Demand today, your freelance copywriting business will change in 3 ways:

First, client acquisition will be simplified, consistent, and automated. Instead of sending out 30 messages and getting ZERO replies, you’ll get a LOT more clients asking to speak to you on Zoom. Most will be ready to hire you on the spot. 

Second, you’ll be given proven templates and formulas that make copywriting easy inside the FREE bonuses. This one addition will upgrade your skill level so you’re writing copy that converts better than 80% of the copy out there. 

Third, you’ll upgrade your mindset so instead of staying stuck because of imposter syndrome, anxiety, or fear of failure, you’ll blow past your mental blocks and do what you need to do to make your business EXPLODE. 

As a result… you'll hit your copywriting goals FAST.

You could be like Luke Mills, one of my students who went from being a total beginner to making $30K / month in one year. 

Or, you could rocket past $10K/month in a matter of weeks, like Tiana Asperjan. 

You could land a $2,000 project just 2 weeks from today, like Joel Boomer. 

You could double your income while working fewer hours, like Jason Watson. 

The stories are endless. 

Best of all - it's easy. Once you copy-and-paste my "client magnet email" and fill in your details, all you really need to do is copy-and-paste it over and over again for other business owners. 

Even a high-schooler can do it (and they have, like you see below). 
These are all real testimonials from real copywriters - and YOU can be next, just days from now.

So why wait?

If you're a freelance copywriter and you want more clients, you have nothing to lose and hundreds of thousands of dollars to gain.  

So click the button below to grab my entire Copywriting Clients On Demand system as well as your 4 FREE bonuses today, and I'll see YOU inside :)

Frequently Asked Questions

I want this, what exactly am I getting?

This client getting system is different than anything else you've seen. I wanted to make it so good you'd be crazy to walk away without it, if having a thriving, high-paying copywriting career is what you want.  Here's exactly what you're getting...

1 - The Copywriting Clients On Demand System ($197 Value)
This is the complete Copywriting Clients on Demand Video Training System with done-for-you templates, that puts your freelance copywriting career on autopilot so you can fill your client pipeline in just 10 minutes a day. 


2 - Bulletproof MindsetOvercome The Mental Blocks Most Copywriters Struggle With ($47 Value - Yours FREE!) 
Break free from procrastination, writer's block, imposter syndrome and other mental barriers. I show you how to reprogram your mental blocks with a simple 15 minute visualization so they simply… disappear. 

3 - High Income Copy Templates 
How To Write Million Dollar Sales Pages, Emails, And Ads On Easy Mode ($97 Value - Yours FREE!)
Write high-converting copy, with templates, formulas, and swipes that make it so easy, a high-schooler can learn it. (I've actually helped several highschoolers land copywriting jobs that pay them $5K+ a month)

4 - 7X Copy Clients
7 MORE Proven Strategies From High Level Copywriters To Land Clients Whenever You Want ($47 Value - Yours FREE!)
In this video training, you'll hear real client-getting stories and strategies from several top-level copywriters I personally trained. Filmed at a private mansion on the island of Mykonos, Greece where we were all on a "copywriting vacation".

What is Copywriting Clients on Demand? 
Have you ever wanted a magic button you can press to land your next copywriting client whenever you wanted? Well, Copywriting Clients On Demand is as close as it gets. You follow 3 simple steps (and use the copy-and-paste email template I give you) and you land copy clients fast. Once you fill out the template, the system takes just 10 minutes a day to run on autopilot. You can use it over and over again. Once you do, your client acquisition will be taken care of

Who is this for?
This is for any copywriter who wants to land twice as many clients in half the time. Whether you're already a control-beating veteran, or a total beginner with ZERO experience... you can use it over and over again to fill your client pipeline in about 10 minutes a day.

How is this different than all the other stuff out there?
Generally all the other stuff out there teaches people how to write copy and that's it. They barely scratch the surface when it comes to getting clients. And that's great, you'll be shown that in our FREE bonuses but what's very important for ANY copywriter to have is a system for generating copywriting leads that actually want your service.

Is there a guarantee?
Yes, if you don’t think it's worth at least 100X what you paid... I'll refund your entire $10 investment. 

Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. The system gives you everything you need to land clients. However, after joining, you'll have the opportunity to also uplevel your copy skills and mindset to reach bigger paydays than you've ever experienced in your copy career. 
Located in San Diego, California
help @

Copyright 2024 Gold Rush Marketing, LLC
Disclaimer: Gold Rush Marketing, LLC can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, templates, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with this course. All products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing in this course, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers reference are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by reading this course you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.