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Copywriting Clients on Demand
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Here's What You'll Get:
The Copywriting Clients On Demand System
  • My copy-and-paste email template for landing new clients - Hundreds of my past students have used this “client magnet” email to out-compete other copywriters in the market
  • My "checkpoint system" for getting your foot in the door if you're a total beginner with ZERO experience
  • Watch over my shoulder as I edit 3 copywriter’s client emails to maximize their chances at getting hired - I show exactly what they did right, what they did wrong, and how I would write the emails
  • ​How to turn your client acquisition into a “magic button” you press for clients so you’re spending just 10 minutes a day on it - yet your client pipeline gets filled up FAST and you start hitting record income numbers, month after month 
  • ​The #1 client-acquisition mistake copywriters make and how to fix it - I’ve seen copywriters with 5+ years of experience make this HUGE mistake. As a result, they struggle to get clients, even if they have a strong resume. 
  • ​An email-by-email breakdown of how I negotiated a $30K sales letter with a client - I’ll give you a peek inside my personal inbox and explain the psychology behind how I talk to a client, so you can use the same strategy to increase your fees on your next  project 
  • How to message clients so you look more confident and capable than all the other applicants - most copywriters get this horribly wrong. Get it right, and your closing rate TRIPLES, minimum. The key: stop being a “job beggar” and start being a “problem solver.” Even better? Be a “time offloader.” 
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